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SEARCH KEYWORD -- Java native interface

  Benefits and Drawback of a Layered Architecture

Most enterprises today are application centric. But the problem with the application is that their database schemas, user interfaces, programming interfaces and object models are tightly coupled and difficult to change. If you want to add a new field to a database table and you’re lucky, the change will reflect through the entire system. But often the change needs to be replicated manually across the entire system. And as applications are difficult to change, adding business rules or proce...


  Deep Understanding of ReentrantLock: Unlocking the Mysteries of Java Concurrent Programming

ReentrantLock introduction ReentrantLock is a class in the Java concurrent package, java.util.concurrent.locks, and is an implementation of the Lock interface. As its name suggests, it is a reentrant mutual exclusion lock. A mutual exclusion lock is a synchronization tool used to protect shared resources, ensuring that only one thread can access the resource at a given time. Reentrant means that a thread can acquire the same lock multiple times without causing a deadlock. This lock provides some...


  Chrome to provide native image lazyload support

Previously we have introduced how Medium achieved loading images lazily, basically what they did was using lots of HTML tags and CSSs to change the images at different stage. It needs lots of code to do this. With the high demand of this feature for resource consumption and performance consideration, Chrome is now working on a feature to provide native support for loading images/iframes lazily. This feature is named lazyload. lazyload will allow three values: auto: the default behavior of ...

   CHROME,LAZYLOAD,IMAGE,IFRAME     2018-09-22 23:04:35

  Google upgrades its built in calculator

Google search engine is more and more intelligent.It has been a long time since Google integrated a built in calculator in its search engine. Today, Google upgraded its built in calculator function in its search engine, a new calculator interface with 34 buttons is added.Before upgrading, if you type 6+7 in the search field, Google will only show the answer 13. But now, if you enter this formula again, in addition to the answer, it will display one calculator interface with 34 buttons. See follo...

   Google,built in,Calculator,Upgrade     2012-07-25 11:07:33

  How many bytes a boolean value takes in Java?

Have you ever wondered how many bytes a boolean value takes in Java? One byte, this might be the answer comes out of your mind right away. But is it? Let's dig in more. Per Oracle documentation on boolean value definition, there is below statement: boolean: The boolean data type has only two possible values: true and false. Use this data type for simple flags that track true/false conditions. This data type represents one bit of information, but its "size" isn't something that's precisely defin...

   JAVA,INTERVIEW,SIZE,BOOLEAN     2020-02-29 02:49:18

  Is Python all set to triumph over Java?

Python is one of the top programming languages of the present time. A variety of companies with different backgrounds and offerings have embraced the capabilities of Python to make wonderful tech products. As, Java is also known to be one of the most recognized languages, therefore, there is a constant battle that takes place between the two languages. Python wants to dethrone Java as the number one, whenever it is and vice versa. It is like the tussle between Android and iOS which is never endi...

   JAVA,DEVELOPMENT,PYTHON,DJANGO     2018-08-28 01:32:56

  Different types of keystore in Java -- DKS

Domain KeyStore(DKS) is a keystore of keystore. It abstracts a collection of keystores that are presented as a single logical keystore. Itself is actually not a keystore. This new keystore type is introduced in Java 8. There is a new class DomainLoadStoreParameter which closely relates to DKS. To load different keystores into the single logical keystore, some configuration is needed. Here is the format of the configuration for grouping different keystores. domain [ ...] { keystore [ ....

   Java,keystore,DKS,tutorial     2015-01-20 02:27:27

  Using MemoryMappedBuffer to handle large file in Java

When handling large files, it will largely affect the process speed while using traditional FileInputStream, FileOutputStream or RandomAccessFile since they trigger lots of read and write operations. In Java NIO, a new way of handling large file is introduced which is to use MmeoryMappedBuffer to create memory mapped file. Memory-mapped I/O uses the filesystem to establish a virtual memory mapping from user space directly to the applicable filesystem pages. With a memory-mapped file, you can pre...

   JAVA,IO,NIO     2015-11-13 01:58:08

  Language Complexity?

Some languages are complex, others are simple … right?  C++ versus just about anything else is a good example here.  But, it begs the question: what makes a language complex? So, I’ve just been reading Bruce Eckel’s Artima article on Scala.  It’s actually a nice article, and I enjoyed it.  But, one thing bugged me — and, it’s nicely summarised in this quote: But you can see from the code above that learning Scala should be a lot eas...

   Programming language,complexity     2011-06-15 02:16:05

  How does PHP session work?

This article is about how PHP session works internally. Below are the steps : 1. Session in PHP is loaded into PHP core as an extension, we can understand it as an extension. When session extension is loaded, PHP will call core functions to get the session save_handler, i.e interface or functions for reading and writing session data. By default, PHP will handle session data by writing and reading files on the server. But PHP also supplies custom methods for handling session data, we can use sess...

   PHP, session, mechanism     2012-12-28 13:36:49